The Town of Lebanon, Mayor and Council recognized the retirement of Jeffery A. Sykes, Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator.
Mr. Sykes served the Town of Lebanon for seventeen years, from April 9, 2002 to November 22, 2019. Mr. Sykes expressed effort, commitment, and dedication to the Town of Lebanon Governing Body, Employees, and Citizens.
Mr. Sykes devoted considerable time and effort to the betterment of the Town of Lebanon for its citizens.
He was commended for his service commitment and dedication and received a plaque during the regular November meeting of the Town of Lebanon.
Town employees further hosted a luncheon to recognize Mr. Sykes and gave him a gift that was presented to him by Mayor Tony Dodi and council members.

The Town of Lebanon would like to thank Mr. Sykes for his years of service and dedication, as well as all of the other employees who helped make the luncheon a success that was enjoyed by all.