This is a very unique time in our history, having a pandemic that impacts our everyday lives, physically, socially, economically and politically. It seems that there is no area that will not be touched by COVID-19.
With the Governor’s order to stay at home many people have asked the question, how will this impact our local elections? The Governor, the VA Department of Elections, and your local governing body, are encouraging registered voters to protect their health and cast an absentee ballot for the May 2020 elections. We would ask each voter in the Town of Lebanon who would like to participate in the May 5, 2020 election to choose the absentee option before April 28th to ensure that they can get their ballots in time to return them by mail by Election Day. Each voter has the option to get an absentee ballot sent to them or go by the Registrar’s office. Once your absentee ballot has been completed, you can either mail it in to the registrar or take it by the office in person by May 5th. The registrars office is located at 96 Russell Street (behind the Court House) in Lebanon. Please visit the link below for more information.