The Town of Lebanon held their first town-wide yard sale event on Saturday, June 1, 2019 and drew many out to shop well over 100 yard sale locations.

Yard sellers were invited to set up on the Lebanon Middle School lawn and over 70 brought their items and set up there for the day. Here is where everyone also enjoyed food vendors that were set up and served breakfast and lunch.

Throughout town many residents and businesses had yard sale sets up as well and made for a fun day of treasurer hunting for the many shoppers that walked and drove around town making their stops.

The mayor and town council thanked everyone who participated and for all those that came out and enjoyed shopping. It was another wonderful event held to celebrate the town’s Bicentennial.

Next event was set for Saturday, June 8 on Main Street with The Steele Cookin’ and Kentucky Headhunters at 6:30 p.m.